Wednesday 22 August 2018


You'll recall that earlier this month our colleagues at UNISON Scotland agreed to extend the postcard campaign to the whole of the Local Government membership - our colleagues in schools had received similar postcards before the holidays and these were sent to John Swinney in late June.
To this end, a new postcard to the President of CoSLA has been produced for all members to signs which we will return to her all together in advance of the next meeting with them on August 31st. Any improvement to the pay offer would have to be put to this meeting and signed off there; the intention therefore is to ensure they know our members strength of feeling before any decisions are taken.
Our Council Stewards have been getting pay campaign postcards out to members to sign and return back to them before they all get sent to CoSLA in good time for their meeting. We've not gone out to our schools again as members there had already signed cards before the summer. Nonetheless, it’s been a significant logistical exercise to get the cards out and we know we've not managed to get everywhere.
So..... if you haven't got a postcard and want to sign one, please leave a message below or email the Branch Office at and we’ll get one to you asap. Thanks!

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