Tuesday, 18 December 2018


We’ve been given a copy of the letter members may have received today to advise that they are till ‘in scope’ for the Council’s Clerical & Admin Review. Firstly, if you’ve been told that you’re no longer in this particular Review, please let us know so we can take your name off this mailing list.
We would hope to have UNISON representation at many of the proposed Workshops in January and have asked that we are advised of these well in advance so that we can cover as many as possible. In the meantime, we remain equally frustrated at just how long this process has taken and of the impact that has had – suffice to say, we’ve articulated this loud and clear on your behalf.
It's really important that everyone lets the Review people know exactly what they do. So many Council employees are doing so much more than they should be with no reward, but UNISON Angus recognises that it’s not always easy to speak up or speak out in situations like this. So, if you have any thoughts, comments or observations you’d like us to articulate on your behalf now or in the coming weeks, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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