Monday, 4 December 2017


Just a few words on the Admin & Clerical element of the Business Support Review.

We met with Jane Stork and Fiona Gold last Wednesday for an update on the Admin & Clerical Review. They advised me that before there's any detail on how the review will progress they need to assess the processes that our members undertake as part of their work routine - this work hasn't been completed but there will be workshops and a 'Rapid Improvement Event' in the next couple of weeks. Whilst UNISON hasn't been invited to the Improvement Event, we have members who are going. Other than that, there isn't anything to share with you just now but felt it necessary to provide an update of sorts to you all rather than nothing at all.
Once we have any news from the employer on their proposals and way forward for the Admin & Clerical Review, we'll be in touch. And if you have anything to share with us in the meantime, please contact the Branch at

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