Friday 9 October 2015

Community Conference and Seminar

Because Angus UNISON (LG) has members in the Community Service Group, it is entitled to send a delegation to Community Conference and Seminar in February.

Community was the only service group that grew last year, and for UNISON to have a strong future we have to get better organised.  Many branches struggle to find activists in the community and voluntary sector, but nearly 1,000 members responded to our recent survey saying they wanted to get more involved in UNISON.

The annual conference and seminar are a key focus where activists, and potential activists, can learn, discuss, and grow in confidence amongst colleagues in similar employers - small community organisations, big charities and housing associations.

The full information is on  The deadline for motions is 6 November 2015, and for delegates is 18 December 2015.

If you work in the community/ voluntary sector and are interested/  have any questions, please get in touch at

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