You are cordially invited to attend
our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at Colliston
Inn. A buffet and refreshments will be
available from 5.30pm.
1. Chairperson’s
2. a) Minute of the AGM 2014 - PAPER 1
b) Matters Arising
3. Annual
Branch Report – PAPER 2
4. Treasurer’s
Report and Presentation of Accounts – PAPER 3
5. Election
of Branch Officers and Stewards – PAPER 4
6. Motions
a) Honoraria
Payment – PAPER 5
b) Branch
Expenses policy – PAPER 6
c) Branch
IT policy - PAPER 7
d) AGM quorum - PAPER 8
7. Guest
Speaker – Alan McKeowan, Strategic Director for Communities, talking on “Into the
lion’s den!”
8. Any
Other Competent Business
9. Close
of meeting