Wednesday 23 January 2019


Proposals were tabled by Angus Council before Christmas to change a number of the current terms and conditions for local government staff employed by them. We have subsequently been advised by Kirsty Hunter, Chief Executive, that she also now intends to propose the same changes to some of the terms and conditions of staff employed at ANGUSAlive.
We emailed all our ANGUSAlive members yesterday with the details and a link to a survey where you can anonymously share your views on the proposals. If you didn't get the email, plese let us know and we will end it again. Alternatively, the survey can be found by clicking the image below and is open until Tuesday 12 February 2019:

The proposals were reported to UNISON Angus as follows:


A review of terms and conditions of employment for Local Government Employees and Chief Officers has been carried out in light of the ongoing requirement for the council to become more efficient and cost effective whilst ensuring compliance with equal pay legislation and maintaining equity and fairness. This paper details the current position and proposals in the following areas :

  • Working arrangement allowances
  • Designated Public Holidays
  • Excess Travel
  • Business Travel
  • Subsistence
  • Salary Protection
  • Work life balance and wellbeing.

Working Arrangement Allowances

Current Position

At present, if required to work on a public holiday as part of the normal working week or if called out in excess of one hour an employee will be paid double time for all hours worked.  They will also be given time off in lieu (TOIL) as follows: 

  • a half day off if the time worked was up to half of their normal day;
  • a whole day off if the time worked was over half of their normal day.


  • If required to work on a public holiday as part of the normal working week or if called out in excess of one hour, an employee will be paid at double time in complete recompense for all hours worked;
  • TOIL in relation to public holiday working will be an alternative to payment (rather than in addition to enhanced rates);
  • All TOIL will be calculated on a basis equivalent to hours worked with no enhancement (currently one hour overtime attracts 1.5 hours of TOIL);
  • Time of less than 30 minutes in any day will not rank as overtime (currently 15 minutes) and this will apply to all staff (UNISON Angus queried the current situation and were advised that at present, time of less than 15 minutes is paid as plain time);
  • No overtime will be claimed by LG12 and above. TOIL may be agreed in exceptional circumstances (currently overtime may be approved following submission of a report). To ensure consistency all requests must be dealt with in conjunction with a nominated Senior HR Officer.

Designated Public holidays

Current Position

There are currently seven public holidays (pro rata for part-time employees). These holidays are fixed by the council and advance notice is given of when they fall each year. 

Public holiday dates are currently :

1 and 2 January each year or if on a weekend the next 2 working days thereafter;
The first Monday in April;
The first Monday in May;
30 November or the Friday following the 30 November and;
Christmas Day and Boxing Day each year or if on a weekend the next 2 working days thereafter.


·        Reduce the number of public holidays from 7 to 4 with the April, May and St Andrew’s day public holidays being re-designated as annual leave (not public holidays) (UNISON Angus queried the start date for this proposal should it be accepted -  the Council stated they would want to  replace the St. Andrew’s Day holiday with an annual leave day in 2019 in order to realise some savings. The removal/replacement of the other 2 public holidays and proposed Christmas closure wouldn’t start until January 2020);

·        The 3 designated days above to be taken on the 3 working days between Christmas and New Year.  (UNISON Angus asked if there could be any individual variations to this proposal e.g. if a member was able to work from home; the Council stated this would be highly unlikely);

·        For some services it will not be feasible to close between Christmas and New Year. It is therefore proposed that feasibility is considered operationally and where necessary the three days leave between Christmas and New Year is taken at another agreed time. (UNISON Angus had clarification from the Council that the days could be taken at any time as a 3 day block or individually, subject to the demands of the Council’s service delivery).

Excess mileage

Current  Position

Excess mileage is paid for a maximum of 2 years at 25p per mile.  (Clarification has been sought by UNISON Angus that the £5 weekly deduction would no longer be applied; we await a response).


·        Reduce excess mileage payments from 2 years to 1 year and the rate from 25p per mile to 12.6p per mile with effect from 1 July 2019.  This will apply to all staff who are required to change base and who incur additional expense as a result.  It is not anticipated that this will impact on any particular groups more than others unless there are proposals to relocate particular groups on a regular basis.


Current Position

The current rates are £6.50 for lunch and £20 for evening meal.


·        Realign subsistence allowances to reflect agile working practices and HMRC rates, and only where costs have been incurred on meals which would normally have been taken at home to:  Breakfast rate: up to £5, One-meal rate: up to £5 (5 hours absence), Two-meal rate: up to £10 (10 hours absence) and Late Evening rate: up to £15).  Restrict to meals taken outwith Angus and Dundee City boundaries. (The amount spent by members would be evidenced by the production of a receipt. The inclusion of Dundee appears to be based on the number of meetings involving Angus staff that take place there, but we have asked for further explanation and clarification on the reasoning for including Dundee).

Salary Protection

Current Position

Salary protection following a reduction is provided for 1 year.  


·        Reduce period of protection from 1 year to 6 months for employees whose salary is reduced from 1 July 2019 onwards.

Work life Balance and Wellbeing Proposals

The following proposed enhanced and new provisions will be developed further, in partnership with health, other colleagues and trade union representatives. These are all aimed at supporting employees to achieve the best work life balance for their own personal circumstances, to allow them to support the communities they live and/or work in and to develop professionally or personally in whatever they choose. Maintaining a healthy workforce is beneficial to the council as well as employees and these provisions would help to create a positive working environment and ensure our employees feel valued. It is recognised that there will be indirect costs for services if these proposals are agreed but it is also anticipated that there would be significant benefits to employees, the council and local communities.

Health & Wellbeing/Family Support Options

  • Review of council’s managing absence provisions to emphasise supporting employees at work and while absent and to include mental health and wellbeing support.
  • Supporting employees who are carers through the agreed Carers Support at Work Scheme (Human Resources lead).  Continue implementation towards the highest level of national Carers Positive accreditation.
  • Bereavement Leave (enhanced paid time off e.g. up to 5 days to support staff and record bereavement leave rather than signed off on sick leave)
  • Compassionate Leave (up to 10 days paid leave -  to support employees dealing with major unplanned family situations and record leave for such purposes rather than staff being signed off on sick leave)
  • IVF/Fertility Treatment (new paid leave to support one cycle)

Council/Community Support Options

  • Employee Supported Volunteering (ESV) – 2 days paid leave per year for employees to volunteer in partnership with VAA or to support the council’s own services
  • Foster/Kinship Carer Leave – paid leave to support the different stages of the foster/kinship process
  • Guaranteed Job Interview Scheme – extend to our employees who are carers (to remain in employment), young carers, looked after children
  • Emergency Donation – blood/bone marrow/organ donation – released immediately for the time required with pay.
  • Sporting Activities  – new paid/unpaid time for competitor/manager/coach – national and regional

Development in Work Options

  • Framework for Secondments – developing staff in all areas – more flexible workforce
  • Framework for Engaging Interns – supporting young people/students/those not in employment
  • Framework for Engaging Modern Apprentices – as above

So, please do take a few minutes to complete the survey which will inform and guide your union in responding to the Council’s proposals. Click the link below or at the top of this email to get started:

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