Tuesday, 25 July 2017

2017/2018 Pay Award

The Branch received the following communication from Angus Council's Head of HR earlier today:
'As you will be aware the pay award for Chief Officers, Craft and Local Government Employees for 2017/18 has been agreed. The confirmation circulars from CoSLA were received on Friday. The payroll team will implement the new rates in the August pay run and the backpay from 1 April will be paid in the September pay run. We have publicised this information for employees also'.
The pay award is an increase of £350.00 for all staff earning under £35,000 per year (based on a 37 hour week and pro rata). Staff earning over £35,000 will receive a 1% increase.
The award is also payable to members employed by AngusAlive.
CoSLA have agreed to a joint approach to the Scottish Government making the case for additional resources for local government and if this was successful they recognise that additional money for future pay awards is a priority. UNISON Scotland will be meeting with COSLA soon to start preliminary discussions on a future Pay Strategy and hope to conclude this by December this year.

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