Friday, 6 January 2017

New Year and New Faces!

THERE are a number of new faces at Angus UNISON: Chris Boyle, Shirley Ross and Janice Corrigan, who have all taken up new positions in the branch structure. 

Chris Boyle, who is employed as Angus Council’s Public Transport Officer, is now in place as Branch Secretary. Following a nomination process, he assumed the Secretary’s role from Mavis Leask, who stepped down earlier this year. Chris is seconded on a full time basis until the end of April 2018. This is good news for the branch as our (virtual) office environment is now being looked after full time.  Some small but significant improvements have already been made e.g. Office emails and all messages can now be accessed anywhere by our branch officers.

Shirley Ross, Clerical Officer in Children & Learning, is now our Branch Treasurer. She takes over from Debbie McCarle and will now be given full training on all of our financial systems. 

Janice Corrigan, Senior Roads Engineer in Engineering & Design, is our newest Steward who will become  fully accredited early in the new year once her training is complete.

Angus UNISON would like to thank Mavis and Debbie for their service to the branch over the past few years. 

Overall, our new full time resource and new stewards could not have come at a better time; it is abundantly clear that the scale of cuts, service reviews and job changes within Angus Council will be far greater than first predicted.  The coming year will no doubt pose some significant resourcing challenges for UNISON.

You can contact your new Branch Secretary, Chris, by phone on 01307 468 950, by mobile on 07999 344 300, by email at and by writing to the branch office at Unit 8 Eco Park, Carseview Road, Forfar, Angus, DD8 3BS.

Your branch needs you to keep in touch and tell us what’s happening in your workplace!

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