Friday 9 October 2015

STUC Equality and leadership survey

Dear colleagues,

As many of you will be aware, the STUC is being funded by the Fair Work Convention to carry out work on promoting the role of equality reps and help to develop leadership in the union movement. We have created a short survey which we are hoping to circulate to as many union members as possible and we are looking for your help in this.

We are offering £20 of book tokens to 5 participants as part of a prize draw and hope this may encourage your members to take a few minutes to fill out the survey. Other than an email address for the prize draw (which is optional) the survey is entirely anonymous and all answers will be kept in confidence by the Scottish Union Learning team at the STUC.

We’re looking for the views of all union members so please share this link as widely as possible and if you need any more information about it then please feel free to get in contact with me directly.

Best wishes,

Alan White

Development Officer
Scottish Trade Union Congress
0141 337 8153
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