Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Review of National Care Standards

The Review of the National Care Standards is well underway. Last year the Scottish Government announced a review of the National Care Standards and undertook a public consultation to gather views of how best to do this. Subsequently the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland were tasked to lead the development group that will co-produce these new standards working alongside people using services, providers and other agencies. The first thing the development group undertook was to develop a set of draft overarching principles and, as co-chairs of the development group, we would now like to invite you to take part in the consultation on these.

Scotland’s National Care Standards have not been reviewed since they were first introduced in 2002. Since then, the way that services are provided has changed and will continue to do so. We have also become more aware of what individuals are entitled to expect from services and these principles reflect a greater focus on human rights and wellbeing.

To take part in the consultation, please visit our website for this review:
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